April 30, 2014
by Pascal Lachance
1 Comment

Mountains of northern Laos, towards China

After leaving the Laos capital city of Vientiane, it was towards the northern mountains of Laos towards I encountered my firsts challenging climbs since I started my journey. It proved emotionally difficult, sometimes frustrating but a memorable experience. Going through party town of Vang Vieng and charming Luang Prapang, the inspirational Hmong people and their delightful villages dotted the way to the Chinese border. The amazing views of the landscape and friendships I’ve created along the way will remain with me forever. Continue reading

March 23, 2014
by Pascal Lachance
1 Comment

First 2 weeks in Laos

Last days in Thailand towards the border with Laos was good riding. I was sad leaving Thailand, a country a really like, but I was excited to get in Laos and tackle the northern region and its hills. Savannakhet was lovely so was the ride to Vientiane, especially the night at a guesthouse where I was invited to have a feast and a few beers by a group of friendly locals! Continue reading